Leilong said:
“I hope to know how one can be a superior physician?”
The Yellow Emperor said:
“When a superior physician palpates, he emphasizes on examining the pulses, …”
Ling Shu
- Acupuncture
- Nutrition
- CVLD & Pregnancy Massage
- Pain management
- Sports Injury and Prevention
- Acute Injury
- Chronic Injuries
Help with overcoming depression, grief, and other compulsive behaviors.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Animal Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu for your animal companion utilizes the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is an acupressure like modality of healing. By placing hands (like “jumper cables”) on to the animal and utilizing mathematically correct flows, Dr. Nickamin assists the animals natural healing process, gently and effectively. JSJforyouranimal.com
Tai Chi/Qi Gong/Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
private instruction for therapeutic exercises and self defense
- Tai Chi (Yang style long form 108)
- Qi Gong (Standing form; Golden Eight)
- Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Gracie University of Jiu-Jitsu, certified instructor )
for more info: https://www.gracieuniversity.com/

Pain Relief
It has many underlying causes, from arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica pain, back and hip pain, knee, ankle, foot and toe pain, shoulder, neck, arm pain to wrist, hand, finger pain and more. Finding out and understanding the root causes of the pain is key. It requires deep-level knowledge and multi-faceted skillset. Dr. Nickamin’s unique approach of diagnosing and identifying the root cause is grounded in thousands of years old Oriental Medicine and his continuous out of school studies. Chronic pain treatment from East meets West Preventative Medicine in Sarasota are all natural therapies, promoting body’s natural healing.
Acupoint Injection therapies (AIT): AIT are used when regular acupuncture fails to provide the desired results or is deemed to be ineffective for the specific problem. AIT means the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points/original site of the pain caused by acute or chronic injury or inflamation, to promote, maintain, and restore health and to prevent disease.
Acupuncture: an ancient healing art that restores the smooth flow of Qi (vital body energy) & promotes the circulation of blood, that creates systemic balance, reduces pain and prevent illness.
Jin Shin Jyutsu: an ancient healing art that works similart to acupuncture, but without needles. It removes Qi/energy blockage by using hands-on flow patterns, to release pain and illness, resulting in deep relaxation and restored energy.
Neoclassical Pulse Diagnosis: thousands of years old art to obtain more information from the body that is “unseen” by modern machines, to uncover the underlying root causes of pain and illness.
Koren Specific Technque: a biomechanical correction to the body, that is gentle but powerfully effective.
AIT means the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points…(read more)
- Biopuncture younghealthcare.com
- Perineural Nerve Injections Lyftogtmed.com
- Neural Therapy jeffharrisnd.com
- Chinese Acupoint Injection drhuo.com
- Prolotherapy
Concussion or Compression
Nasal Release Technique is a powerful structural technique that adjusts the bones of the skull. This was developed by Dr. J. R. Stober of Portland. The procedure uses a small finger cot affixed to an inflatable device which is inserted into the nasal passages. The balloon inflation presses outward against the bones lining the breathing passages and adjusts the sutures of the skull, particularly the sphenoid. This ultimately relieves the forces that have gone into the skull by releasing any impactions in the cranial sutures. For more information: conquerconcussion.com
- Encapsulated formulas
- Powdered herbs on request
Licensed Acupuncture
Dr. Nickamin has 6 + years Licensed schooling in a US. federal Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM).
Animal Acupuncture
A History of Animal Acupuncture I
A History of Animal Acupuncture II
may contain 2-5 modalities.
Traditionally, in China, patients are required to recieve acupuncture for 10 days consecutively, then, receive a re-evaluation.
Did you realize that most of health-care is sick-care? Why don’t we take care of ourselves to avoid getting sick? That’s where preventative-care comes in. Receiving acupuncture and Jin Shin Jyutsu, taking Chinese herbs, and practicing Tai Chi on a regular basis prevents sickness before it starts.

Our body is in a form of Qi/energy. Qi moves blood and flows in certain patterns, like a river. Blood nourishes Qi. When Qi is blocked, blood will stagnate, and as a result, our body will manifest with all kinds of illness and pain (symptoms). Oriental Medicine works on the unmanifested (root cause) circulations of Qi/energy and blood, supporting the body to heal on its own. Oriental Medicine also benefits life style changes, such as the best time for sleeping, eating and exercising…
By doing preventative-care consistently and regularly, you can save time and money.
SERVICE PUNCH PASSES (5 sessions) Save 10%
Did you realize that most of health-care is sick-care? Why don't we take care of ourselves to avoid getting sick? That's where preventative-care comes in. Receiving acupuncture and Jin Shin Jyutsu, taking Chinese herbs, and practicing Tai Chi on a regular basis prevents sickness before it starts.